The Care Your Pet Deserves

Wigglebutt Grooming was established in 2006.
We are home to the best Wigglebutts. Your wigglebutt will get to see the same faces for each grooming visit, we thrive on being family oriented.
BATH SERVICES include shampoo for your pet's skincare needs, nail clipping, sanitation trim for feet, rear and eyes, brushing & combing, ear hair removal & cleaning, drying , & anal glands expressed
HAIRCUT SERVICES include all the services a bath offers plus cut & style of your choice
ALACARTE SERVICES nail clipping & nail grinding
TEETHBRUSHING available at an additional charge


New Clients: We are welcoming new clients to our salon. Please read our client policies first to make sure we are the right fit for you and your pet's needs. If so, kindly print and complete the form below and bring in, along with proof of vaccinations on veterinary letterhead. A non-refundable, reservation fee of the first groom will be required to secure that appointment. The amount charged is equal to the minimum price for that breed but additional charges may be incurred and if applicable, will be charged upon completion of the groom. The reservation fee is applied towards the groom however if the appointment is cancelled or there is a failure to show, the fee is not refundable.
All Clients: Please notify us right away if there are any changes to your personal information (address, phone, etc.) or your pet's information (i.e. vaccines, health, etc.).
Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.
Please read our policies below to be sure we are the right fit for you!
We may not be and that is okay!
We are proud to provide your pet the best grooming experience possible! As such, we ask for promptness and kept appointments.
TARDINESS: Pets need to be dropped off and picked up on time. We are not a boarding or daycare facility and do not have space to house pets. A late drop-off/pick-up affects the day’s schedule, which in turn causes stress to the grooming staff, our clients and their pets. If you are unable to arrive within 15 minutes of your scheduled appointment, it may be cancelled and cancellation charges will apply. Once we close, we will wait 30 minutes and charge an additional $1 per minute. After that, your pet will be housed in a crate for the night and a $40 charge will be applied to your account in addition to the late fees accumulated. In a worst case scenario where no communication is given to us about retrieval by business opening the next day, Animal Control will be contacted for abandonment and you will be invoiced for all of the accumulated charges.
CANCELLATIONS: If you are unable to keep an appointment, we would appreciate as much advance notice as possible. We do request you provide us with a minimum notice of two business days (not calendar days). This will allow us time to refill your appointment. We understand emergencies happen and while last minute cancellations are a part of life, we expect them to be uncommon. If you have a habit of forgetting appointments, no worries, we offer text or email reminders! Last minute cancelations and no call/no show appointments are subject to a cancellation fee. Clients with a history of not showing or canceling last minute will be required to prepay for their appointments.
Charges will incur for notification less than two business days. A business day is a day we are open and conducting business.
* A third occurrence in the same year will incur the charge of the missed appointment plus prepayment of any future appointments.
* A new client who cancels short notice for the first appointment will be offered one chance to reschedule. If the non-refundable deposit was not secured, said client will be invoiced.
NO SHOWS: A client who no-shows can reschedule once payment has been made for the missed groom.
CHARGES: The charge is equal to the amount of the groom scheduled. Please note that payment is due when services are rendered.
** Refusal to pay is a theft of services and criminal charges will be filed.
Short notice cancellations or no shows cause us to have a financial loss (by that, it affects our paycheck). We are in business to service our client's pets. Please respect our time. Additionally, with how we stagger our appointments, we need the time to fill it with the exact type of animal, coat type and haircut. Please provide us with notification as soon as a conflict occurs. We may not be the right business for everyone and that's okay.
Potty Policy: Please make your best effort to potty your pets before your appointment. We have poop bags and a trash basket by the big oak tree. We like our neighbors and we want them to like us. If your pet hasn’t done their business, let us know so we can walk them. While we understand accidents happen, it’s much more difficult to clean up an accident in the kennels, especially if they have already started the grooming process.
Vaccine Policy: By law we do require a current rabies vaccine or current titer testing. We do highly recommend current Distemper, Parvovirus and Bordetella vaccines. Please bring in required proof of vaccines or have your veterinarian email them to us at wigglebuttgrooming@hotmail.com
Thank you for your understanding of how our salon operates and the need for these policies. We believe you and your pet will truly value and appreciate our services. We are dedicated to the health and happiness of your pet!
Do you accept all dogs?
Unfortunately, we cannot service all dogs.
For the health and safety of your dog (and the groomer), it is important that your dog stay on a regular grooming schedule so that he/she can be trained properly, maintain a proper coat and stay within their allotted grooming appointment. We are accepting new clients who will meet these parameters. However, we do have the following requirements and limitations:
Puppies should be seen after their second booster (12-14 weeks) even if they don't get a haircut so we can start training them to accept grooming.
Dogs requiring haircuts must stay on a schedule (as recommended by the groomer)
Dogs must be table / grooming trained (we will train puppies!)
Due to medical issues, dogs must weigh less than 85 pounds (or who will be at maturity) and must not be considered morbidly obese.
Due to medical issues, we are unable to groom those dogs that are labor intensive.
We are no longer accepting new dogs over ten years of age
We cannot accept any pet that is excessively hard to handle or requires more than 1 groomer.
If you have questions regarding any of these restrictions, please don't hesitate to give us a call. We are more than happy to have a discussion. (We have made exceptions.)
If you'd like to move forward becoming a client, please review our policies.
How long does grooming take?
Appointments are scheduled in staggered increments. Please allow 3-4 hours for most appointments. Upon arrival, we can give you a pickup time or call you when your dog is ready to pick up. If you have a deadline to make please notify us of this at time of scheduling and again at drop off so we can do our best to accommodate you.
My dog has mats. Do you brush them out or do you have to shave my dog?
Please understand that matting can be very painful for your dog (as well as the groomer). Pets should be brushed/combed weekly, if not daily during shedding season. All animals shed, some more than others. If mats start to form that you cannot remove, please call us. That is the time to remove them and we should be able to de-mat safely if they are small and in a small area of the pet's body. As the mats get bigger and tighter, they cause more pain to the animal which can make them more difficult to work with. Animals coming in matted will be shaved down. De-matting fees of $2.00/minute will be charged in addition to the cost of the regular groom. No exceptions. (If we are unable to finish due to temperament/severity, we will stop and request that you bring it to your vet to be completed under anesthesia. Charges will incur for work performed.)
My dog/cat has fleas! Do you offer flea baths?
The short answer is no, because we do not accept pets into our salon that have any transmissible infestation or disease. This is to protect pets coming in after yours.
That being said, if fleas are found on your pet when bathing, you will be called immediately and informed of such. If the pet is infested, you must pick up your pet immediately. You will be charged for the appointment time slot plus a $25.00 cleaning fee (to clean and bomb the facility).
If there are only a couple, we will provide a flea bath. We will charge a $25.00 cleaning fee in addition to the price of the groom. Please note that flea baths are NOT guaranteed. Fleas are smart and will crawl into orifices we cannot access and will come out later. Additionally, there is no residual effect to the flea shampoo. Unless your home environment is treated, you will still have fleas in your home and they will jump back on your pet.
If you are trying to coordinate an exterminator and a flea appointment, please note the following:
Appointment must be made in advance for any flea baths.
Appointment will be the last appointment of the day.
A minimum charge of $25.00 will be imposed in addition to the cost of a basic groom for that pet.
Capstar must be given to your pet 6 hours before arrival. Capstar can be purchased at your veterinarian's office. It is a safe and affordable medication that kills all the fleas on your pet and starts working within 15 minutes with a 90% kill rate after 6 hours. If you are giving your pet an oral pest preventative, please check with your vet first before giving Capstar.
Please remove any flea collars from your pet (i.e. Seresto), we will not be held responsible for any breaking or being exposed to water.

Client Grooming Contract
Corri Long
944 College Park Rd, Summerville, SC 29486, USA
(843) 693-4528